Origami Shrimp Folding Instructions
This origami shrimp is fairly easy to make, and also doubles as an origami lobster.
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Fold a piece of square origami paper along the diagonal, as shown below, then unfold.

Now fold the corners A and B to the centerline, resulting in a kite:
Next fold the long edges of the kite towards the centerline.
Then fold the short edges to the centerline. Next fold corner C over...
...and back again, to form a simple pleat fold. Flip the model over, and cut a small hole where shown:
Flip the model over again, and unfold back to the kite. Now cut narrow triangular strips, part-way up the kite as shown below. These strips form the shrimp's antennae (feelers).
Now re-fold the shrimp, and slip the ends of the feelers through the hole.
Now make another pleat fold in the body of the shrimp:
Do four (4) more pleat folds as shown. The fold the shrimp in half lengthwise:
At each pleat fold, re-crease the fold as shown, to create a curve in the body. Now your origami shrimp (or lobster) is ready for the ocean!
Check out the many origami shrimp photos that have been submitted by our readers!