Origami Jester's Hat
With a few extra steps, the origami flat cap is transformed into an origami jester's or joker's hat!
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Origami Jester's Hat Step 1: Start by following instructions for the origami flat cap from Step 1 to 11.
Use newspaper or cut a large sheet of art or wrapping paper and you'll be able to wear this jester's hat!
You should have the following after completing Step 11 of the origami flat cap.
Origami Jester's Hat Step 2: Crease the diagonals as indicated below. Crease both sides of the paper.
Origami Jester's Hat Step 3: Pry paper open at the bottom and squash paper flat to form a diamond shape.
Origami Jester's Hat Step 4: Fold both tips to the center. Crease well and unfold.
Origami Jester's Hat Step 5: Now pull paper open in opposite directions.
Origami Jester's Hat Step 6: Crease all 4 sides to straighten them.
Flip paper over and your origami jester's hat is complete!